Become A Member

Alliance Register members belong to a register that has been assured of meeting the high standards and educational and training.

Entry to the Alliance Register of Foot Health Practitioners requires a level 4 Diploma in Foot Health Practice and must include 10 days of Alliance-approved practical training. Applicants that can demonstrate such training can enter directly onto the register.

Applicants - Please Read Carefully

Membership of the Alliance

All practitioners share exactly the same needs for safe and rewarding practice:

The Alliance has Podiatrist members. Podiatrist members enjoy all of the benefits of membership, but they are regulated by the HCPC.

The Alliance has Foot Health Practitioner members who enjoy all of the benefits of membership.

Alliance Foot Health Practitioner members are listed on the Alliance Register of Foot Health Practitioners.

Alliance Foot Health Practitioner members are automatically members of the Alliance Register of Foot Health Practitioners. Membership of the Alliance Register requires proof of an approved and genuine Level 4 qualification in Foot Health Practice and where applicable, proof of insurance.

The Alliance refuses membership to those whose training history is insufficient. Top-up training or re-training may be recommended before membership can be considered - learn more.

Refreshment can only apply to recognised training. Refreshments of training is not the same as a top-up, and cannot be applied to initial training that is insufficient to 'refresh'.

It is the Alliance Policy that Rulebooks will not be re-issued annually to existing members. All Rulebook updates will be printed in the bi-annual Journal and published on the Alliance and Alliance Register website.


Gilly Taylor-Munt FPSPract

Beechbeck, St Johns Road, Bishop Monkton, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG3 3QU.

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The Alliance of Private Sector Practitioners Ltd
St Johns Road
Bishop Monkton
North Yorkshire HG3 3QU

Registered in England & Wales:
Company Registration No. 04379814